
Psychiatry Department

At VR Speciality Clinic, we understand that mental health is just as important as physical health. Our dedicated team of experienced psychiatrists are here to provide you with compassionate and personalized care to help you achieve mental well-being and balance in life.

Our Services

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    Psychiatric Assessments

    Our experts conduct thorough evaluations to understand your unique needs and concerns.
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    Individual Counselling

    Receive one-on-one counselling to address a wide range of mental health issues, from anxiety and depression to stress management and more.
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    Medication Management

    When appropriate, our psychiatrists will prescribe You.
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    Therapeutic Interventions

    We offer a variety of evidence-based therapies, including CognitiveBehavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical-Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and more.
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    Access our services from the comfort of your own home through secure virtual appointments.
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    Group Therapy

    Participate in supportive group sessions to connect with others facing similar challenges.
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    Home Visits

    Our committed psychiatrists are ready to provide in-home psychiatric services to meet your mental health requirements

Why Choose Us?

We are committed to providing a caring and supportive environment for every patient.
Our psychiatrists are highly trained and experienced in addressing a wide range of mental health concerns
We believe in treating the whole person, addressing both the emotional and physical aspects of mental health.
We utilize the latest technology to enhance the quality of our service at your convenience
Your privacy and confidentiality are of the utmost importance to us.
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    Taking the first step towards better mental health is a courageous decision, and we are here to support you every step of the way. If you or a loved one is seeking Help, don’t hesitate to reach out to Us Your mental well-being is our priority.